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Bastien Theory Boosters Series


Bastien Theory Boosters are a wonderful series of little books that are chalked full of fun activities, games and exercises to reinforce essential theory principles. Each book focuses on a specific theory topic. This helps students gain a deep understanding and working knowledge of concepts and fundamental information to apply it to their keyboard skills.

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Naming White Keys

Teach and review the names of the white keys while reinforcing high, middle, and low on the keyboard.


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Middle C Note Speller

Focus only on the notes in Middle C position while building a clear understanding of the relationship between notes on the staff and keys on the piano.

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Beginning Music Notation

Reinforces a student’s understanding of basic notation concepts (line and space notes; note values; parts of the grand staff; basic time signatures) and will help build a solid foundation from which to build other theory concepts.


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Lines and Spaces Note Speller

Expand students' note mastery to 24 notes on the grand staff while continuing to emphasize the relationship between notes on the staff and keys on the piano.


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Intervals Through a Fifth

Improve students' reading with the ability to quickly identify harmonic and melodic intervals on the staff and the keyboard.


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Ensure a firm understanding of note and rest values with this handy book: quarter, half, dotted-half, whole, and single eighth notes and rests as well as eighth note pairs are included.


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Naming Accidentals

Clear up the confusion over sharps, flats, and naturals with this one-of-a-kind teaching tool! Accidentals are drilled on the staff and the keyboard.


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More Lines and Spaces Note Speller

Another book that focuses on note spelling through games, activities and fun that is sure to appeal to your students.


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Ledger Lines Note Speller

Choose which notes students need to learn or review the most while emphasizing the relationship between notes on the staff and notes on the keyboard.


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Major Key Signatures

Cover all the Major key signatures and enable students to apply this knowledge to their repertoire.


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Major Chords

Build solid fluency in identifying all 12 Major triads as well as the enharmonic chords - C-sharp, F-sharp, and C-flat.


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Minor Key Signatures

Introduce and review all of the minor key signatures with clear and concise explanations.


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Minor Chords

Teach students to identify their minor triads while reviewing all 12 Major triads.


To see a full list of the Bastien Piano Books, please visit

© 2020 by Julie Hanss.

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